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How to Nail your next Technical Interview

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Terms & Conditions

Enrollment Terms for the Software Engineering-Masterclass Interview Preparation Program

These enrollment terms (the “terms”) constitute a legally binding agreement between you (“you” or “the student”) and IKAN UPLEVEL TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED (the "Company"), a private limited company incorporated under the laws of India with its office located at Bengaluru. They apply to the Software Engineering- Masterclass Interview Preparation Program (the “Program”)offered by the Company and sets out the terms and conditions on which the Program is offered to you.

By accepting these Terms or accessing the Program in any manner you consent, agree, and undertake to abide, be bound by and adhere to the Terms and if you do not agree to these Terms, you are not entitled to avail of/use the Programs and any use thereafter shall be unauthorized.

1. What does the company offer?
Program NameLive ClassTraining MaterialDomain selectionMock InterviewsSupport PeriodTechnical coachingCareer CoachingTests/Assignments
Machine Learning SwitchUpYes- Basic & Advanced Domain specific content. Data Structures & Algorithms, Systems Design and Career SkillsYes-, session recordings, practice problemsNo15NAUnlimited, till the end of the programUnlimited, till the end of the programCapstone projects and mini projects are mandatory.Tests and assignments -Based on topic
Level Up- MasterclassYes: Data Structures and Algorithms, Systems Design and Career SkillsYes- Foundation material, session recordings, practice problemsCustomized pathway for 1 domain of your choice15180 days, after the last scheduled class as per the original scheduleUnlimited, till the end of the support periodUnlimited, till the end of the support periodBased on topic
Early EngineeringYes: Data Structures and Algorithms and Career SkillsYes- Foundation material, session recordings, practice problemsNo9180 days, after the last scheduled class as per the original scheduleUnlimited, till the end of the support periodUnlimited, till the end of the support periodBased on topic
Step-Up (Accelerated Self-PacedNoYes- Foundation material, session recordings, practice problemsCustomized pathway for 1 domain of your choice10180 days after the 60th day in the programUnlimited, till the end of the support periodUnlimited, till the end of the support periodBased on topic- Self paced
Coding PathwayYes: Data Structures and algorithmsYes- Foundation material, session recordings, practice problemsCustomized pathway for 1 domain of your choice6180 days, after the last scheduled class as per the original scheduleUnlimited, till the end of the support periodNoBased on topic
System Design PathwayYes: Systems DesignYes- Foundation material, session recordings, practice problemsCustomized pathway for 1 domain of your choice6180 days, after the last scheduled class as per the original scheduleUnlimited, till the end of the support periodNoBased on topic
Career skills and Leadership PathwayYes: Career skills and LeadershipYes- Foundation material, session recordings.Customized pathway for 1 domain of your choice6180 days, after the last scheduled class as per the original scheduleNoUnlimited, till the end of the support periodBased on topic
2. What do you pay, how & when and cancellations/refunds

You may make this payment using any of the following methods:

  • Bank transfer
  • Credit Card/Debit Card
  • Avail the services of our loan partners (No cost EMI available for 3 and 6-month EMI plans) 

The accepted methods of payment are through any online payment mode. Cash or Cheque payments will not be accepted. Your course will be activated only after the full payment is done.

Course fee and other relevant details

Program NameCourse FeeRefund WindowProcessing fee for refunds during the refund windowAmount refunded (if the request raised within the refund window)Refund after the refund window
Machine Learning Switch-UpRs. 300000Upto 14 days from the first scheduled classRs. 20000Course Fee paid minus Rs 20000Any requests coming post the 14th day of the 1st scheduled class will not be considered
Level Up- MasterclassRs. 220000Upto 7 days from the first scheduled classRs. 10000Course Fee paid minus Rs 10000Any requests coming post the 7th day of the 1st scheduled class will not be considered
Early EngineeringRs. 150000Upto 7 days from the 1st scheduled classRs. 10000Course Fee paid minus Rs 10000Any requests coming post the 7th day of the 1st scheduled class will not be considered
Step-Up (Accelerated Self-PacedRs. 170000No refund allowed
Coding PathwayRs. 100000No refund allowed
System Design PathwayRs. 100000No refund allowedRs. 10000Course Fee paid minus Rs. 10000Any requests coming post the 7th day of the 1st scheduled class will not be considered
Career skills and Leadership PathwayRs. 100000No refund allowedRs. 10000Course Fee paid minus Rs. 10000Any requests coming post the 7th day of the 1st scheduled class will not be considered

For refund requests raised during the refund window, the refund will be processed within 30(Thirty) days of approval. You understand and agree that you will no longer be able to access any material, and you will not be allowed to attend any classes once your refund request has been approved.

3. About transferring cohorts

The Company normally allows transfer to a future cohort once, as long as you pick a specific future cohort that starts within 30 (Thirty) days of the planned start date of the cohort you are enrolled for, and that cohort has spots available.

To transfer cohorts, you must inform the Company in writing/email/raising ticket, at least 15 (Fifteen) days before the planned start of the cohort you have enrolled for.

4. Other Details

About your fellow students: You understand and agree that fellow students in this Program may or may not have the same level of desire as you to look for a job. They may already be employed in a relevant well-paying job and maybe looking at this program as a continuing education program.

About the coaches, instructors, and interviewers: The coaches, instructors, and interviewers in this program may be independent consultants or maybe part-time employees. Their role at the Company may be limited to teaching and/or interviewing in a specific area of expertise. The instructors may be teaching from a remote location.

Instructor selection will be exclusively made by the Company: Any requests to have specific instructors teach specific things/take mock interviews will not be entertained. While instructors make a good-faith effort to remain reachable outside of their teaching and interviewing hours, you shall not abuse that reachability. Otherwise, you shall be subject to ejection from the class without any refund.

It is not meant for beginners, and attendees are expected to have some prior experience in the area. At the least, it is expected that attendees go through the material in pre-program preparation work that the Company sends.

About progress in the Program: While every reasonable effort will be made to keep tabs on your progress, you understand that you are the sole owner and responsible party for your own progress through various parts of the program and that unless you tell us you need help, we may not know that you do.

You understand and agree that the Company is not answerable to any friend, relative, or agent claiming to be working on your behalf with regards to your involvement and progress in the Program.

About not getting jobs from this Program: While it is in the long-term interest of the Company to keep the content of this program relevant to job interviews, and we make every effort to do so, you understand and agree that we have to put the following disclaimers and that they may apply to you:

  • that the sole purpose of this program is interview preparation;
  • that the Company makes no claims, that in a real interview, you will be asked the same questions that are taught in this Program and the Company is not liable if you do not;
  • that in an actual job interview, you may not be asked any question in the area you were hoping for, and the Company is not liable if you do not;
  • that getting an actual interview and passing it may involve preparation in areas that may be substantially outside of what this Program provides;
  • that completion certificate from this program is expected to have no formal recognition among prospective employers, and we are not liable if that is the case;
  • that the Company makes no claim that you will land actual interviews at employers due to this Program and we are not liable if you do not;
  • that the Company makes no claims that you will get hired after you take this Program, and is not liable if you do not;

About mock interview grading, if mock interviews are offered by this Program: In mock interviews, your performance will be graded by interviewers for technical proficiency (how well you solve problems) and behavioral proficiency (how you relate to the interviewer). While every effort will be made to grade your performance as objectively as possible, you understand and agree that interview grading is inherently subjective in nature. You understand and agree that it is given in good faith to help you understand your strengths and shortcomings.

About potential misbehavior in the class: You agree that while in class, you will behave professionally and courteously so as to not interfere with the ability of other students to benefit from the learning environment. If you are deemed disruptive to the program for any reason, you shall be subject to ejection from the class without any refund. You shall also not bring a sibling, child, relative, or a friend to the Company-owned learning facility, without prior written permission from the Company. Outside of your participation in the program coursework, you are not authorized to use the co-working space or video-conferencing tools unless express prior written permission is given to you by the Company.

About confidentiality: You understand and agree that the content, methods, questions, and videos used in the interview techniques of this Program are the proprietary intellectual property of the Company. Before starting the classes, you will sign a Confidentiality Agreement (below) which obligates you to keep confidential the content, methods, questions, and videos used in the interview techniques of this Program.

About recordings and your presence in them: Classes may be recorded on audio/video, and you hereby consent to the use of your likeness, voice, or other identifying characteristics in those videos for classroom learning purposes, where they may be seen by other class members or bystanders. The Company reserves the right to use parts of those videos for marketing purposes in the future.

About video recordings of missed sessions: If you miss a session, a video recording will be available. While every effort will be made to provide you with the recording of the same session, the Company may, at its sole discretion, may decide to provide you with a recording of the prior session(s)of the same topic.

About scheduling changes: While every good faith effort is made to keep the schedule as shown on the first day, you understand and agree that there may be unforeseen changes leading the Company to reschedule some sessions.

About technical requirements: The Company offers this program using distance learning. The Company may use third-party video conferencing solutions to facilitate remote attendance. Such solutions must be used on a personal computer with at least a 13-inch screen (not on a smartphone or a tablet) in order to engage with the class. You understand and agree that if you use a device other than a personal computer with at least a 13” screen, then your experience may be significantly degraded, and the Company is not liable should you choose to do that.

About third-party software and Internet connection: The Company may make use of various third-party software in the program for various administrative and content management tasks. While every effort is made to ensure that the said software continually remains available and usable, you understand and agree that the Company does not control third-party software, and hence there may be instances beyond the control of the Company when it has problems or temporarily becomes unavailable. That is also true for Internet connection at the facility.

About disputes: You understand and agree that any dispute arising out of or in connection with this contract, including any question regarding its existence, validity, or termination, shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of the Mumbai Centre for International Arbitration (“MCIA Rules”), which rules are deemed to be incorporated by reference in this clause. The seat of the arbitration shall be Bangalore. The Tribunal shall consist of one arbitrator. The language of the arbitration shall be English. The law governing this arbitration agreement and these terms shall be the law of India.

You understand and agree that you shall not, during the course of the your education with the Company, nor at any time thereafter, directly or indirectly, in public or private, in any manner or in any medium whatsoever, deprecate, impugn or otherwise make any comments, writings, remarks or other expressions that would, or could be construed to, defame the Company, its employees or their reputations. Nor shall you assist any other person, firm, or company in so doing.

5. Miscellaneous

Applicable Policies: You agree and undertakes to be bound by all the policies of the Company as applicable to your participation in the Program, as may be notified to you from time to time by the Company.

Intellectual Property. You understand that the Company grants you a limited, personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, and revocable license to use the content, methods, questions, and videos used in the interview techniques of this Program. You understand and agree that you are not permitted to use the content, methods, questions, and videos used in the interview techniques of this Program for any commercial use. You also agree that you will not share access to your account or access information for your account with any third party. Participation in the Program does not give you ownership of or any intellectual property rights in the content, methods, questions, and videos used in the interview techniques of this Program.

Non-disparagement. You agree to not make any disparaging remarks or any remarks that could reasonably be construed as disparaging, regarding the Company, its subsidiaries and affiliates, or its or their officers, directors, employees, stockholders, representatives, or agents.

Entire Agreement: These terms and the Confidentiality Agreement are the entire agreement and understanding with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersede all prior agreements, contracts, offers, discussions, oral understandings, verbal agreements, or representations between the Company and you.

Amendments: The Company may change these terms from time to time without prior notice. You should review this page regularly. Your continued participation in the Program after changes have been made will be taken to indicate that you have read and accepted those changes. You should not participate in the Program if you are not happy with any changes to these Terms.

Notices: All notices, requests, and other communications hereunder must be in writing and will be deemed to have been duly given only if delivered personally or by facsimile transmission or mailed (first class postage prepaid) or by electronic mail to the Parties at the following addresses or facsimile numbers:

If to the Company:


Awfis Space Solution Pvt. Ltd.,
St. Marks Road, Samrah Plaza,
Shanthala Nagar, Ashok Nagar,
Bengaluru - 560001, India

along with a copy by email to: []  

Assignment: Neither these terms nor any right or interest hereunder shall be assignable by you without the Company’s prior written consent. These terms shall be assignable by the Company to a subsidiary or affiliate of the Company to any corporation, partnership, or other entity that may be organized by the Company, its partners, or its officers, as a separate business unit in connection with the business activities of the Company or of its general partners or officers, or to any corporation, partnership, or other entity resulting from there organization, merger or consolidation of the Company with any other corporation, partnership, or other entity or any corporation, partnership, or other entity to or with which all or any portion of the Company’s business or assets may be sold, exchanged or transferred.

Severability: If any paragraph, subparagraph, or provision of these terms, or the application of such paragraph, sub-paragraph, or provision, is held invalid or excessively broad by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of these terms and the application of such paragraph, sub-paragraph, or provision to Persons, or circumstances other than those with respect to which it is held invalid shall not be affected.

Data Privacy: The Company may, in connection with Program, receive personal data relating to you or third parties associated with him (such as spouse or children). The Company may process such data for relevant and limited purposes. By accepting these terms, you expressly consent to the following:

  • the processing of your personal data that is available with the Company by the Company;
  • the collection and processing of sensitive personal data about you as may be required under applicable law or as may be consented to by you;
  • the transfer of limited personal data held about you by the Company to its employees and offices of the Company worldwide and to third parties where disclosure to such third parties is required by law or is expressly consented to by you